Medico-Legal Experience
Medical Expert Witness Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine Dr Lal Landham specialises in rehabilitation of Amputees and Neuro-rehabilitation of patients with brain injury and spinal injury.
Dr Landham accepts around 20 instructions each year.
Clinical Experience
Dr Lal Landham has worked at Kent and Medway NHS & Social Care Partnership Trust as a Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine since 1991, and as Lead Clinician for Prosthetic and Neuro-rehabilitation services since 1993.
Dr Landham has an excellent knowledge of rehabilitation medicine with special interest in the Rehabilitation of Amputees and Rehabilitation of patients with brain injury.
With over 20 years medico-legal experience, specialising in neurorehabilitation and amputee rehabilitation cases, Dr Landham has acted as an expert witness both for the prosecution and defence.
Dr Landham has extensive research experience and is widely published.
Special Interests
Rehabilitation of Amputees and Neuro-rehabilitation of patients with brain injury and spinal injury
Memberships of Professional Bodies
- GMC Registration No: 2560078
- Royal College of Surgeons (Edin)
- Royal College of Physicians (UK)
- British Medical Association
- Member, British Society of Rehabilitation Medicine (Former Regional Co-ordinator, 1992 – 2016)
- Member, Veteran Prosthetic Panel, NHS England
- Member, ISPO Executive Committee
- Member, Specialist Training Committee, Rehabilitation Medicine, London Deanery (Former Chair 2011 – 2013)
Further information
Download Dr Landham’s CV to learn more about his research publications, qualifications and more.
Category of Expert
- Years experience preparing ML reports: 20
- Reports prepared in the last 12 months: 20
- Total number of reports completed:
- Claimant/ Defendant split:
Contact Dr Lal Landham
To instruct Dr Lal Landham or discuss availability and expertise for your case, please contact them via the form below. You can also contact us by calling 0191 466 1406 or via email here.