Dr. Jonathan Mamo is a consultant in rehabilitation medicine with specialist interest in neurorehabilitation.
Dr. Mamo’s areas of clinical interest include the assessment and management of adult patients with neurological disability arising from any cause; the assessment and measurement of outcomes; and planning of services. Currently working as Substantive Consultant in Neurorehabilitation at the Royal Berkshire Hospital, Reading and West Berkshire Community Hospital, Newbury, Dr Mamo has been part of NRC Medical Experts since 2019 and an expert witness since 2018.
When it comes to acting as an expert witness for the courts, Dr Mamo feels it is his responsibility to give a clear and understandable report of the events leading up to the legal request. He explains,
“Most patients who experience a neurological injury have already been through a very tough and demanding path through healthcare services. I feel it is a challenge to clearly describe the biopsychosocial effects of disability and this needs to be done to give a clear understanding, thereby giving the best possible outcome within a legal review. I don’t like to shy away from a challenge and feel driven to clarify what are normally very complicated histories and events.”
Dr Mamo feels that as well as providing solicitors with clear, concise reports, his understanding of the often lengthy legal processes mean he is motivated to provide reports in a timely manner,
“I aim to complete and review reports within a short time frame – I feel that any delay at my end would not be beneficial for the solicitors or their clients.”
As a medical expert witness specialising in neurorehabilitation, Dr Mamo provides expert witness testimony and court reports for cases including complex neurological disability, stroke rehabilitation, brain and spinal cord injuries, progressive neurological disorders including Motor Neurone Disease and Guillain-Barre syndrome. Dr Mamo’s expertise in these areas allows him to clearly summarise the positive outcomes of a period of neurorehabilitation.
“Most people overlook the benefits of a multi-disciplinary rehabilitation programme. The benefits of early rehabilitation are clearly documented and discussed in the available literature. People who have experienced a neurological event should be given every possible opportunity to work towards improving their status quo.”
When it comes to the benefits of neurological rehabilitation for individuals, Dr Mamo’s work has allowed him to see the real-world impact on patients in his practice. He continues,
“In my time as Consultant in both acute and community settings, I have had a number of patients who have surpassed all neurorehabilitation expectations. Working as part of the multi-disciplinary team as part of a new trial to include a Consultant in the team has seen patients going from end of life pathways of treatment to sudden improvement, following the team’s decision to refer them for specific investigation and treatment. This has tied in with the development of more efficient MDTs who have managed to keep up with the multitude of referrals which have previously resulted in very long waiting lists for in-patient rehabilitation.”
Based in the South East, Dr Mamo is now available for medico-legal expert witness reporting and testimony. Contact us to arrange a complimentary pre-instruction conversation with our experts.